Nos visitó Anita, maestra y profesora de inglés en Boston, Estados Unidos. Después de su estadía en Devoto y participación activa en las clases, nos compartió un informe de su experiencia en el SFCollege. I arrived in Villa Devoto on a Thursday and was...
1st Form, 2nd Form, 3rd Form, 4th Form, 5th Form, 6th Form, 7th Form, Advanced, First, Pre-Firts, PreSchool, Upper
Noviembre Viernes 23 y Lunes 26: Exámenes orales y Comprensión para 1º, 2º, 3º, 5º y los alumnos de 6to que no rinden el Trinity. Secundaria: 1er, 2do y 4to año. Miércoles 28: Examen escrito para1º, 2º, 3º, 5º, 6º grado. Secundaria: 1er, 2do...
#paintingandlearning, #preschool, #preschoolstudents, preschoolenglish, sanfranciscocollege, sfcollege, sfworkshops
Last Friday we work with colour paintings. Each student decorated their own folder to put the works they have been doing during the year.
#collegedevoto, #inglesendevoto, #sanfrancisco, college, playingandlearning, preschoolenglish, sanfranciscocollege
This is how pre-school students start the day. They play hand games with different vocabulary: feelings, weather, colours and shapes. Today they learnt fruit vocabulary by playing with cards.
#inglesendevoto, #inglespreescolar, #sanfranciscodevoto, playingandlearning, preschoolenglish, sanfranciscocollege, sfcollege
Pre-school students learn vocabulary by playing with their parts of the body, using special elements to create stories, playing with colour and shapes.
If you are looking for a drama, you should watch «Chasing Mavericks». It transmits you passion for the sport and for the ocean. It is a biographical drama and sport movie. The Director is Curtis Hanson, the film describes you the life of a...
Black Mirror “Playtest” – by Verónica Mieres If you are looking for an amazing science fiction serie you should watch Black Mirror. All the episodes tell different stories which are related with how technology would change the future in different ways. I recommend to...
Workshop ARTE, Workshop TEATRO
#coloniacreativa, #juegosteatrales, #talleresparachicos, #talleresparaniños, #temporadadeinvierno, arte, fotografía, sfcollege, sfworkshops
Durante las vacaciones de Invierno organizamos la segunda temporada de la **Colonia Creativa de Invierno**. Más de 10 chicos participaron de las actividades propuestas en los 4 talleres: *Fotografía *Arte y Expresión *Juegos Teatrales *Reciclar y Transformar. Aprendimos técnicas, jugamos y nos divertimos en...
1st Form, 2nd Form, 3rd Form, 4th Form, 5th Form, PreSchool, Workshop ARTE, Workshop TEATRO
#arteyexpresion, #coloniadeinvierno, #coloniaparachicos, #juegosteatrales, #SanFranciscoWorkshops, #talleres, coloniacreativadeinvierno, fotografía, sfcollege, sfworkshops
La misma se llevará a cabo durante las dos semanas del receso escolar de Lunes a Jueves de 15 a 18hs. La colonia está compuesta por 4 talleres culturales en español donde los chicos podrán divertirse, expresarse, aprender y crear en su tiempo libre. Los talleres...
Pre-School kids doing different activities: – each class they start answering different questions: How are you today? What´s the weather like today? What´s your name? How old are you? They work on the floor with a magnetic blackboard where they stick the figures. –...
Activity with 4th form students Last Monday they did a research on Roald Dahl´s biography as an introduction to the reading of the book «Charlie and the chocolate factory». They worked in groups answering 12 questions about his life and the books he wrote....
El Sábado 13 de Mayo organizamos junto a Disfam Argentina una capacitación para docentes de inglés y español sobre Dislexia. El encuentro fue dirigido María Arabetti (docente y madre de hijos con dislexia) y la Lic. Eleonara Lanus. La capacitación fue abierta a la...
1st form students created posters in pairs with toys vocabulary. They draw and coloured the shapes of each toy and then cut the letters of each word and wrote them down.
1st form students watched Toy Story 2 and did an activity with Toys Vocabulary.
1st Form, 2nd Form, 3rd Form, 4th Form, 5th Form, 6th Form, 7th Form, Advanced, blog
#capacitacion, #dislexia, #encuentrodedocentes, DISFAMArgentina, sfcollege
Encuentro para docentes de inglés y español organizado por el San Francisco College y DISFAM Argentina, a cargo de Lic. Eleonara Lanus y María Arabetti. Durante la capacitación se conversará acerca de la detección temprana de alumnos con dislexia, las dificultades de aprendizaje y...
1st Form, 2nd Form, 3rd Form, 4th Form, 5th Form, 6th Form, 7th Form
#inglesendevoto, #lifelessons, #rulesforlife, sanfranciscocollege, sfcollege
RULE ONE: Find a place you trust, and then try trusting it for a while. RULE TWO: General duties of a student: Pull everything out of your teacher; pull everything out of your fellow students. RULE THREE: General duties of a teacher: Pull everything...
En el siguiente video podrán ver cómo crear un usuario en la plataforma de Our Discovery Island. Antes de comenzar es necesario tener el Student’s Book y raspar el Acces Code de la contratapa y corroborar que la maestra haya escrito el Class ID....
Pre-School students chosing colours and guessing the cards
#inglesendevoto, #mnemogame, #thereare, #thereis, 2ndform, playingandlearning, sanfranciscocollege, sfcollege
2nd form students practice «There is…./There are….» with a mnemo game. In pairs they have to describe what they saw in the cards (a brown stone, four yellow birds, a light-blue pond)
First form students went on an expedition to collect fallen leaves from the playground. Then they use different colours to decorate their own leaves.
Comenzamos con los Workshops English for Adults. English for Adults – Upper/Intermediate: Jueves de 19 a 21 hs English for Adults – Beginners: Jueves de 19 a 21 hs Ambos comienzan el Jueves 9 de marzo de 19 a 21 hs. El taller no requiere abonar matrícula, el valor de la...
Last Wednesday we celebrated the end of the year with a special celebration. We also gave a special gift to Mercedes and Noel who have studied at SFCollege when they were kids and nowadays are teaching 1st and 7th form and preparing CAE students.
#arteendevoto, #arteyexperimentacion, #crear, #experimentar, #jugaryaprender, arteparachicos, arteparaniños, sfworkshops
Durante el 2016 llevamos a cabo el workshop de Arte para chicos de 4 y 5 años. El objetivo del taller es permitir que los chicos puedan expresarse a través de experiencias con diferentes materiales y técnicas. Trabajamos con telas, lanas, tintas, elementos de...
1st Form, 2nd Form, 3rd Form, 4th Form, 5th Form
#25thAnniversary, #inglesenvilladevoto, #teachersandstudents, sanfranciscocollege, sfcollege
We are happy to celebrate our 25th Anniversary with you! We have been working hard to make San Francisco College one of the most important institutes in Devoto. Thanks to our teachers staff who improve their lessons every year and thanks to all the...
Así estamos trabajando en el **ARTE Y EXPRESIÓN para jóvenes y adultos** El objetivo es crear un espacio de encuentro semanal y vivenciarlo como un laboratorio de experimentación donde se trabaje en el desarrollo de la propia creatividad y expresión. Se proponen dinámicas grupales...
#artexhibition, #composition, #inglesenvilladevoto, #milolockettartexhibition, learning, sanfranciscocollege
Last Friday we went with first certificate students to visit Milo Lockett´s art exhibition at Alfredo Cataldos Art Gallery. The aim of the activity was to learn some elements about composition and be able to identify them in the artworks. Composition elements: – Colours...
3rd form students used halloween costumes and learnt about Halloween history:
#halloweenclass, #halloweenparty, #inglesenvilladevoto, #sanfransiscocollege, playingandlearning, sfcollege
On Monday 31st we celebrate Halloween with 3rd form students. We study vocabulary and have fun playing games with cards !
Last Friday we went with 7th and first year students to visit Milo Lockett´s art exhibition at Alfredo Cataldos Art Gallery. The aim of the activity was to learn some elements about composition and be able to identify them in the artworks. Composition elements:...
First form students playing with cards, singing and matching characters
Last Friday, 4th form students had their open class. Playing, singing and answering questions. Thanks for coming!
2nd form students in their Open Class playing «The 8 steps» and singing
Cooking and learning actions and colours. Today we prepare a recipe with vanillas and dulce de leche to create sweet truffles!
2nd form students learning and playinf with the parts of the face
***Preschool English*** ¿Sabías que abrimos un curso de inglés para chicos de preescolar? Ahora los más chiquitos pueden venir a jugar y a aprender el idioma inglés desde pequeños. El curso esta basado en incorporar el idioma a través de experiencias directas con los...
Playing with Roald Dahl biography!
En la segunda clase de Fotografía los chicos aprendieron a tomar imágenes en movimientos con luces de colores. Así nos estamos divirtiendo estas vacaciones!
Así disfrutamos de las vacaciones de invierno en la COLONIA CREATIVA de San Francisco Workshops. Lunes a Jueves de 15 a 18hs. La colonia está compuesta por 4 talleres culturales en español donde los chicos podrán divertirse, expresarse, aprender y crear en su tiempo...
Upper student´s preparing the oral presentations on differenr topics.
Children working with shapes and prepositions. The circle is under the square The triangle is next to the circle The square is on the circle.
San Francisco College los invita a participar de la Colonia Creativa de Invierno que se llevará a cabo durante las dos semanas del receso escolar de Lunes a Jueves de 15 a 18hs. La colonia está compuesta por 4 talleres culturales en español donde...
In our FCE lessons there is also room for fun and action so as to trigger our Emotional Intelligence. Here are some pictures of us working in an activity which revolves around our capacity to see the good in us and others. This ‘game-like’...
2nd form students playing a game where they have to listen to Vero´s word and pick the correct card.
Learning colours and actions with Corina´s instructions ***Preschool English*** ¿Sabías que abrimos un curso de inglés para chicos de preescolar? Ahora los más chiquitos pueden venir a jugar y a aprender el idioma inglés desde pequeños. El curso esta basado en incorporar el...
They have to pick a card and make a sentence with the word: «Tom is taller than Carola» «Cookies are more delicious than cakes» «Sophie is good at swimming»
Following the teacher´s instructions, children made a monster with play-doh.
Guessing game to practice questions and answers with have got: «Have you got number five?» «Yes, I have / No, I havent´t»
Third form students singing the lyrics from their book
The teacher creates questions that they have to answer correctly to get to the last step
ARTE para CHICOS. En el espacio compartido con los alumnos de primaria trabajamos con estímulos como la lectura, la música, el cuerpo, los relatos que fueron plasmados a través de medios y técnicas diferentes como la pintura, el dibujo, el collage. El objetivo del...
En los dos primero meses del taller, realizamos un proceso creativo, partiendo de dinámicas individuales y grupales para que cada alumno pueda empezar a plasmar lo que quiere expresar. Estuvimos trabajando con carbonilla, collage, pasteles al óleo, tizas, stencils, pintura y dibujo. Cada persona...
2nd Form plays the «Guessing Game» in pairs in which each player has to guess the correct answer.
Inauguramos el 2016 con dos talleres de English for Adults. English for Adults – Upper/Intermediate: Jueves de 19 a 21 hs English for Adults – Beginners: Jueves de 19 a 21 hsAmbos comienzan el Jueves 10 de marzo de 19 a 21 hs. El taller no requiere abonar matrícula, el valor de...
ARTE y EXPRESIÓN para chicos Idioma: Español A partir de 4 años: Jueves de 17.15 a 18.30 hs Materiales incluidos Objetivo y contenido principal El objetivo del taller es crear un espacio en donde se fomente y estimule la creatividad de los niños mediante actividades artísticas...
Workshop ARTE, Workshop ENGLISH, Workshop TEATRO
#escribir, #expresiónliteraria, #giselamancuso, #leer, #tallerdeescritura
Expresión Literaria, taller de escritura – A cargo de Gisela Vanesa Mancuso Idioma: Español Martes de 17 a 19 hs Jueves de 19 a 21 hs Duración Anual (con posibilidad de incorporarse durante el año) Comienzo: Martes 5 y Jueves 7 de Abril No requiere...
ARTE y EXPRESION para jóvenes y adultos – a cargo de Regina Calcaterra Idioma: español Jueves de 19 a 21 hs Objetivo del taller: El objetivo es crear un espacio de encuentro semanal y vivenciarlo como un laboratorio de experimentación donde se trabaje en el...
Workshop ARTE, Workshop ENGLISH, Workshop TEATRO
#arteenpapel, #arteyexpresion, #devotocultural, #papercut, #tallerdearte, sfcworkshops
ARTES VISUALES EN PAPEL – A cargo de Dalila Weil Martes de 10 a 12 hs ó de 19.30 a 21.30 hs No requiere experiencia previa Objetivo principal: El Workshop está orientado a explotar al máximo las posibilidades que brinda el papel, como material de trabajo...
ARTE ASTRAL – A cargo de Venecia Alvaro Taller práctico de Astrología y Arte Idioma: Español Jueves de 10 a 12 hs ó Jueves de 19 a 21 hs (14 clases de 2 hs cada una) Comienza Jueves 7 de Abril Objetivo del Workshop...
Workshop ARTE, Workshop ENGLISH, Workshop TEATRO
#devotocultural, #escrituracreativa, #tallerdeescritura, #workshopsparachicos, sfworkshops
ESCRITURA CREATIVA para chicos (en español) A cargo de Ana Paula Queija Chicos de 8 a 12 años Martes de 17.00 a 18.15 hs 8 clases – del Martes 19 de abril al 14 de Junio Objetivo principal: La mayoría de los chicos...
Workshop ARTE, Workshop ENGLISH, Workshop TEATRO
#devotocultural, #drama, #dramaforkids, #teatroeninglés, #teatroparaniños, #workshops, sfworkshops
DRAMA for kids Teatro en inglés para niños de 4º a 7º grado A cargo de Guadalupe Halfon Sábados de 11 a 12.15 ó Martes de 18 a 19.15 hs Duración anual y muestra de fin de año Comienzo Martes 5 y...
CONVOCATORIA A TALLERISTAS San Francisco Workshops convoca a talleristas a presentar propuestas de cursos y talleres que se desarrollarán durante la programación del 2016. Buscamos profesionales que desarrollen actividades en áreas culturales para niños, jóvenes y adultos. Los interesados deben enviar sus presentaciones incluyendo...
ARTE para chicos (primaria): Martes de 17 a 19 hs ARTE para chicos (jardín de infantes): Jueves de 17.30 a 18.45 hs DRAMA for kids (Teatro en inglés para chicos): Horarios a definir ENGLISH for Adults (Nivel Inicial): Jueves de 19 a 21 hs...
San Francisco Colleges thanks the community for being part of this 2015! Thanks to all the teachers for their hard work during this year; to the pupils for being so positive and enthusiastic; and to the parents for being so supportive. We wish you...
Time period PAPER TOPICS: Analyzing The topic Of the Academic ESSAY 1. Analyse the Query There exist in general two different types of essays: argumentative essays and explanatory essays. In an argumentative essay, you may be expected to place ahead an academic argument in...
Time period Paper – Crafting Helpful tips and Information Evaluate MATH AND SCIENCE Essays that will be centered on math analyze the formulation to take a look at how those formulation impact the entire world all over us. They convey math out to...
El viernes 27 de Noviembre se llevó a cabo la primera Jornada de Experimentación Creativa que forma parte de la propuesta de San Francisco Workshops. El objetivo del taller es proponer un espacio a modo de laboratorio en el cual a partir de ejercicios prácticos...
Durante los meses de Octubre y Noviembre se desarrolló el Taller de Introducción al Diseño de la Permacultura a cargo de Luz Delorenzini en donde aprendimos la importancia de crear sistemas en armonía con las personas, la naturaleza y los recursos. Les compartimos...
Ways to Make Your Coursework pretty much as good since it Can Maybe Be A lot of pupils desire coursework, given that it’s a chance to showcase your educational capabilities away in the high-pressured surroundings belonging to the test room, rendering it excellent for...
Congratulations!! All the students from 6th form who presented their oral work passed the Trinity Exam (from London College). It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning through the year! Candidate Number Tomás Agustín Lema A – A Milena Laura Carballa A...
Halloween, the last day of October, has a special significance for children, who dress in funny or ghostly costumes and knock on neighborhood doors shouting «Trick or Treat!» Pirates and princesses, ghosts and witches all hold bags open to catch the candy or other...
A huge smile is the key to succeed in life – by Micaela Tagliani That´s a phrase that my grandfather used to tell me all the time. “Do everything with a smile, an love yourself, because the truth is that nobody will love you...
6th Form singing and dancing Maroon 5 lyrics: I’m hurting, baby, I’m broken down I need your loving, loving, I need it now When I’m without you I’m something weak You got me begging Begging, I’m on my knees I don’t wanna be needing...
The Imitation Game – by Mercedes Lazovich, Nicolás Lazovich and Lucía Duran In our English class we had an outstanding evening watching the very well-known film called “The Imitation Game”. It tells the story of an extraordinary man, Alan Turing, who changes the fate...
People should not be judged by the clothes they wear – by Lucía Rango People are being constantly judged by their appearance and the clothes they wear. First impressions are really important, but they don’t define our personality. People should get to know each...
First form had the open class with the parents! They sang, played games and shared a lovely morning with the parents!
Second form is preparing the Open Class Animal Song – Vani´s students singing Winnie the Witch – Marian´s students drawing and describing
I eat breakfast, I eat lunch, I eat dinner, how about you?
Third form is learning how to read the time and playing games with their own clocks! – One o´clock – A quarter past three – Half past six – A quarter to eleven.
Aprendimos a hacer stencils, recortando radiografías de acuerdo a la imagen en blanco y negro que habiamos elegido. Finalmente, estampamos sobre el papel y los collages.
Cada uno de los chicos eligió una historia que fue narrada en un formato diferente. La temporalidad no es lineal. Trabajamos con objetos, telas, cartones, pinturas y elementos que nos ayudaron a reflejar la emoción de cada relato. Acá les mostramos fotos del proceso...
3rd form watching a video called A Trip To the Rainforest Then they did an oral activity, acting out and re-telling the story. We have a lot of fun!
Yesterday we learnt a song to practice new vocabulary – Sing and Act! Can you swim? Yes, I can Can you climb? No, I can´t Can you swing? Yes, I can Can you do cartwheels? No, I can´t
“The Norwood Mystery” Welcome to fifth form!!! The story we are reading is “The Norwood Mystery”. It is one of the 56 short Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. So far, we have read chapters one and two, awaiting the rest...
Las dos últimas clases exploramos las texturas de elementos de uso cotidiano. Usamos materiales comunes y los transformamos en medios para generar tramas.
El objetivo del taller es crear un espacio en donde se fomente y estimule la creatividad de los niños mediante actividades artísticas que permitan a los chicos indagar diferentes campos de trabajo a través de un abordaje técnico diverso. Priorizar la espontaneidad y la...
The first months of the year we learn new vocabulary and play games listening to stories, audios and reading with the teachers.
1st Form, 2nd Form, 3rd Form, 4th Form, 5th Form, 6th Form, 7th Form, Advanced, First, Pre-Firts, Upper, Workshop ARTE, Workshop ENGLISH, Workshop TEATRO
Les presentamos nuestra nueva Página Web! Espero la disfruten.