Nos visitó Anita, maestra y profesora de inglés en Boston, Estados Unidos. Después de su estadía en Devoto y participación activa en las clases, nos compartió un informe de su experiencia en el SFCollege. I arrived in Villa Devoto on a Thursday and was ready to visit San Francisco College the very next day. I […]
Noviembre Viernes 23 y Lunes 26: Exámenes orales y Comprensión para 1º, 2º, 3º, 5º y los alumnos de 6to que no rinden el Trinity. Secundaria: 1er, 2do y 4to año. Miércoles 28: Examen escrito para1º, 2º, 3º, 5º, 6º grado. Secundaria: 1er, 2do y 4to año. Ultimo día de clases. Viernes 30: Trinity Exam […]
If you are looking for a drama, you should watch «Chasing Mavericks». It transmits you passion for the sport and for the ocean. It is a biographical drama and sport movie. The Director is Curtis Hanson, the film describes you the life of a very young surfer who becomes famous surfing mavericks at half moon […]
Black Mirror “Playtest” – by Verónica Mieres If you are looking for an amazing science fiction serie you should watch Black Mirror. All the episodes tell different stories which are related with how technology would change the future in different ways. I recommend to watch “Playtest”, season three, second chapter which is my favourite one. […]
We are happy to start the year. Welcome back to the students, parents and teachers. In our calendar you will see the important dates!
ARTE para chicos (primaria): Martes de 17 a 19 hs ARTE para chicos (jardín de infantes): Jueves de 17.30 a 18.45 hs DRAMA for kids (Teatro en inglés para chicos): Horarios a definir ENGLISH for Adults (Nivel Inicial): Jueves de 19 a 21 hs ENGLISH for Adults (Upper Intermediate): Jueves de 19 a 21 hs […]
A huge smile is the key to succeed in life – by Micaela Tagliani That´s a phrase that my grandfather used to tell me all the time. “Do everything with a smile, an love yourself, because the truth is that nobody will love you more than you ever love yourself” My grandad liked telling me […]
The Imitation Game – by Mercedes Lazovich, Nicolás Lazovich and Lucía Duran In our English class we had an outstanding evening watching the very well-known film called “The Imitation Game”. It tells the story of an extraordinary man, Alan Turing, who changes the fate of the Second World War by creating a machine which could […]
People should not be judged by the clothes they wear – by Lucía Rango People are being constantly judged by their appearance and the clothes they wear. First impressions are really important, but they don’t define our personality. People should get to know each other in order to discover who they really are. To begin […]
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