Pre-School kids doing different activities: – each class they start answering different questions: How are you today? What´s the weather like today? What´s your name? How old are you? They work on the floor with a magnetic blackboard where they stick the figures. – Animal bingo – Singing and dancing
Activity with 4th form students Last Monday they did a research on Roald Dahl´s biography as an introduction to the reading of the book «Charlie and the chocolate factory». They worked in groups answering 12 questions about his life and the books he wrote. Afterwards they played pass the parcel game, and answered with the […]
El Sábado 13 de Mayo organizamos junto a Disfam Argentina una capacitación para docentes de inglés y español sobre Dislexia. El encuentro fue dirigido María Arabetti (docente y madre de hijos con dislexia) y la Lic. Eleonara Lanus. La capacitación fue abierta a la comunidad y tuvimos el agrado de que participar docentes de Avellaneda, […]
1st form students created posters in pairs with toys vocabulary. They draw and coloured the shapes of each toy and then cut the letters of each word and wrote them down.
1st form students watched Toy Story 2 and did an activity with Toys Vocabulary.
Encuentro para docentes de inglés y español organizado por el San Francisco College y DISFAM Argentina, a cargo de Lic. Eleonara Lanus y María Arabetti. Durante la capacitación se conversará acerca de la detección temprana de alumnos con dislexia, las dificultades de aprendizaje y se podrán plantear inquietudes a resolver en el aula. Se entregarán […]
RULE ONE: Find a place you trust, and then try trusting it for a while. RULE TWO: General duties of a student: Pull everything out of your teacher; pull everything out of your fellow students. RULE THREE: General duties of a teacher: Pull everything out of your students. RULE FOUR: Consider everything an experiment. RULE […]
2nd form students practice «There is…./There are….» with a mnemo game. In pairs they have to describe what they saw in the cards (a brown stone, four yellow birds, a light-blue pond)